@t('Order Items')

@foreach ($data->OrdersItem as $category_id=>$products) @foreach ($products as $product) @if ($product->enquiry_text) @endif @endforeach @endforeach @if ($data->paid_amount > 0) @if (isset($settings->content->hide_owned_fee) && !$settings->content->hide_owned_fee) @if (isset($data->paid_owned_fee) && $data->paid_owned_fee > 0) @endif @endif @if (isset($data->fee_vat) && $data->fee_vat > 0) @endif @if (isset($data->paid_service_charge) && count(oa($data->paid_service_charge)) > 0) @foreach (oa($data->paid_service_charge) as $key => $value) @endforeach @endif {{-- @if (isset($data->paid_service_charge) && $data->paid_service_charge > 0) @endif --}} @if (isset($data->paid_tax_charge) && $data->paid_tax_charge > 0) @endif @if (isset($data->tip) && $data->tip > 0) @endif @if (isset($data->remaining_payment) && $data->remaining_payment) @endif @endif
{{ $categories->$category_id->name }} {{-- @if ( isset($categories->$category_id->extra->place) && $categories->$category_id->extra->place ) @if (isset($data->people) && (int)$data->people > 0) @t('%s people', $data->people) @else @t('User doesn\'t specify number of people') @endif @endif @if ( isset($categories->$category_id->extra->gender) && $categories->$category_id->extra->gender ) · @if (isset($data->extra->gender) && $data->extra->gender) {{ $data->extra->gender }} @endif @endif --}}
@if (isset($settings->content->display_date_in_products) && $settings->content->display_date_in_products) {{ (new DateTime( ( isset($data->extra->zone_start_time->{$product->Product->zone_id}) && $data->extra->zone_start_time->{$product->Product->zone_id} ? $data->extra->zone_start_time->{$product->Product->zone_id} : $data->date ) ))->modify( (isset($product->Product->extra->offset) ? (int)$product->Product->extra->offset : 0) . 'minutes' )->format('H:i') }} @endif @if ($categories->$category_id->extra->items == 1) {{ $categories->$category_id->extra->plural_name }} @else {{ $product->Product->name }} @endif @if (isset($product->sub_items))
@foreach ($product->sub_items as $sub_item) +{{ $sub_item->Product->name }} @endforeach @endif @if ( isset($categories->$category_id->sub_events) && $categories->$category_id->sub_events ) @t('View Events') @endif @if ($product->object_type && $product->object_id) {{ $product->object_type }} @endif @if ( isset($product->Product->Event->id) && $product->Product->Event->id && $product->Product->Event->id != $data->event_id ) · {{ $product->Product->Event->name }} @if ($data->event_id) · @date($product->Product->Event->date) @endif @endif @if ($product->description)
{!! nl2br($product->description) !!}
@if ($product->qty > 0) × {{ $product->qty }} @else @t('Enquiry only') @endif @if ( $categories->$category_id->extra->priced == 1 ) @if ( isset($product->total_actual_price) && $product->total_actual_price ) {{ __('Actual Price: %s', amount( $product->total_actual_price, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) ) }} @else @if ( $product->Product->actual_price ) {{ __('Actual Price: %s', amount( $product->Product->actual_price, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] )) }} @endif @endif @endif @if ($categories->$category_id->extra->priced == 1) @if ( $product->actual_price != null || $product->Product->actual_price != null ) {{ __('Deposit:') }} @else {{ __('Price:') }} @endif @if (isset($product->total_price) && $product->total_price) {{ amount( $product->total_price, [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ] ) }} @else {{ amount( $product->Product->price, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) }} @endif @endif
@t('Enquiry:') {{ $product->enquiry_text }}
@t('Total Paid') {{ amount( $data->paid_amount - (isset($data->paid_card_fee) ? $data->paid_card_fee : 0), [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ] ) }}
@t('Net Amount') {{ amount( $data->net_amount, [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ] ) }}
@t('Bookedit Fee') {{ amount( ($data->fee - $data->paid_owned_fee), [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ] ) }}
@t('Additional Fee') {{ amount($data->paid_owned_fee, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }}
@t('VAT') {{ amount($data->fee_vat, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }}
@if ( isset($settings->content->payment->services[$key]->label) && $settings->content->payment->services[$key]->label ) {{ $settings->content->payment->services[$key]->label }} @else @t('Service Charge') @endif @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount($value, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }} @else {{ amount($value, ['to' => $currency->id]) }} @endif
@t('Service Charge') {{ amount($data->paid_service_charge, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }}
@t('Tax') {{ amount($data->paid_tax_charge, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }}
@t('Gratuity Fee') {{ amount($data->tip, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }}
@t('Remaining to pay') {{ amount( $data->remaining_payment, [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ] ) }}