
@t('Contract details')

@include('Plugins/Payment/Views/Elements/Order/dates') @if ($data->net_amount > 0) @if (isset($settings->content->hide_owned_fee) && !$settings->content->hide_owned_fee) @if (isset($data->paid_owned_fee) && $data->paid_owned_fee > 0) @endif @endif @if (isset($settings->content->hide_card_fee) && !$settings->content->hide_card_fee) @if (isset($data->paid_card_fee) && $data->paid_card_fee != 0) @endif @endif @if (isset($data->fee_vat) && $data->fee_vat > 0) @endif @if (isset($data->paid_service_charge) && count(oa($data->paid_service_charge)) > 0) @foreach (oa($data->paid_service_charge) as $key => $value) @endforeach @endif @if (isset($data->paid_tax_charge) && $data->paid_tax_charge > 0) @endif @if ($data->tip > 0) @endif @endif @if (isset($data->LinesOrder) && $data->LinesOrder) @endif @if (isset($data->extra->gender) && $data->extra->gender) @endif @if (User::isAdmin()) @endif @if ( isset($settings->content->no_tickets) && $settings->content->no_tickets && isset($data->Ticket) && count($data->Ticket) > 0 ) @endif
@t('Event') @if (isset($data->Event)) @if ($data->Event->name) {{ $data->Event->name }} @else @t('No Event Name') @endif @else @t('No Event Name') @endif
@t('Status') {{ $data->status }}
@t('Amount Paid') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) @t('%s (%s)', [ amount($data->paid_amount - (isset($data->paid_card_fee) ? $data->paid_card_fee : 0), [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ]), amount( $data->paid_amount - (isset($data->paid_card_fee) ? $data->paid_card_fee : 0), [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) ]) @else {{ amount( $data->paid_amount - (isset($data->paid_card_fee) ? $data->paid_card_fee : 0), [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) }} @endif
@t('Net Amount') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount($data->net_amount, [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ]) }} @else {{ amount( $data->net_amount, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) }} @endif
@t('Bookedit Fee') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount( ($data->fee - $data->paid_owned_fee), ['to' => $order_currency->id] ) }} @else {{ amount( ($data->fee - $data->paid_owned_fee), ['to' => $currency->id] ) }} @endif
@t('Additional Fee') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount($data->paid_owned_fee, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }} @else {{ amount($data->paid_owned_fee, ['to' => $currency->id]) }} @endif
@t('Commercial Card Fee') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount($data->paid_card_fee, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }} @else {{ amount($data->paid_card_fee, ['to' => $currency->id]) }} @endif
@t('VAT') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount($data->fee_vat, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }} @else {{ amount($data->fee_vat, ['to' => $currency->id]) }} @endif
@if ( isset($settings->content->payment->services[$key]->label) && $settings->content->payment->services[$key]->label ) {{ $settings->content->payment->services[$key]->label }} @else @t('Service Charge') @endif @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount($value, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }} @else {{ amount($value, ['to' => $currency->id]) }} @endif
@t('Tax') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount($data->paid_tax_charge, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }} @else {{ amount($data->paid_tax_charge, ['to' => $currency->id]) }} @endif
@t('Gratuity fee') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) {{ amount($data->tip, ['to' => $order_currency->id]) }} @else {{ amount( $data->tip, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) }} @endif
@t('Total Amount') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) @t('%s (%s)', [ amount($data->total, [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ]), amount( $data->total, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) ]) @else {{ amount( $data->total, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) }} @endif
@t('Remaining to be paid') @if ($currency->id != $order_currency->id) @t('%s (%s)', [ amount(($data->remaining_payment), [ 'to' => $order_currency->id ]), amount( $data->remaining_payment, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) ]) @else {{ amount( $data->remaining_payment, [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) }} @endif
@t('Discount') @if (isset($edit) && $edit) {!! Form::number( 'data[Order][discount]', (isset($data->Order->discount) ? $data->Order->discount : null), [ 'class' => 'form-control text-right', 'step' => '0.01', 'placeholder' => '0.00', 'min' => '0' ] ) !!} @else {{ amount( ($data->discount ? $data->discount : 0), [ 'to' => $currency->id ] ) }} @if (isset($data->Coupon->id) && $data->Coupon->id) ( {{ $data->Coupon->name }} ) @endif @endif
@t('Initial Payment Type') @if (isset($edit) && $edit)
{!! Form::select( 'data[Order][payment]', [ 'card' => t('Card'), //manual //'customer' => t('Send payment link to customer'), //automatic 'existing' => t('Payment has already been made'), //manual 'existing' => t('Paid'), //manual 'cash' => t('Cash payment'), //manual 'deposit' => t('Pay Deposit Now - Remainder On Arrival'), //Deposit to be paid. 'night-pending' => t('To pay on arrival'), 'cheque-pending' => t('To pay via cheque'), 'bank_transfer-pending' => t('To pay via bank transfer'), 'cash-pending' => t('To pay via cash'), 'provisional' => t('Provisional') ], (isset($data->payment) ? $data->payment : null) ) !!}
@else {{ $data->type }} @if ($data->payment) ( @if (isset(oa($payment_options)[$data->payment]) && oa($payment_options)[$data->payment]) {{ oa($payment_options)[$data->payment] }} @else {{ str_replace('_', ' ', $data->payment) }} @endif ) @endif @endif
@t('People') @if (isset($edit) && $edit) {!! Form::number( 'data[Order][people]', (isset($data->Order->people) ? $data->Order->people : null), [ 'class' => 'form-control text-right', 'step' => '1', 'min' => '1' ] ) !!} @else @if (isset($data->people)) {{ $data->people }} @endif @endif
@t('Assigned Slots') {{ (isset($data->LinesOrder) ? count($data->LinesOrder) : 0) }}
@t('Gender') @if (isset($data->extra->gender)) {{ $data->extra->gender }} @endif
@t('Created') @timestamp($data->created)
@t('Modified') @timestamp($data->modified)
@t('Processed') @timestamp($data->processing)
@t('Collection') @if ($data->no_tickets == 1) @t('Collection in person') @else @t('E-Tickets') @endif

@t('User Details')

@if (isset($data->User->company) && $data->User->company) @endif @if (isset($data->User->id) && isset($data->User->mobile) && $data->User->id) @endif @if (isset($data->extra->user->address)) @endif @if (isset($data->extra->user->country)) @endif @if (isset($data->extra->user->birthday)) @endif
@t('Company') {{ $data->User->company }}
@t('Name') @if (isset($data->User->id)) {{ $data->User->name }} @else @if (isset($data->extra->user)) {{ $data->extra->user->first_name }} @if (isset($data->extra->user->last_name) && $data->extra->user->last_name) {{ $data->extra->user->last_name }} @endif @else @t('N/A') @endif @endif
@t('Email') @if (isset($data->User->id)) {{ $data->User->email }} @else @if (isset($data->extra->user->email)) {{ $data->extra->user->email }} @else @t('N/A') @endif @endif
@t('Phone') @if (isset($data->User->id)) @if ($data->User->phone) {{ $data->User->phone }} @else @t('N/A') @endif @else @if (isset($data->extra->user->phone)) {{ $data->extra->user->phone }} @else @t('N/A') @endif @endif
@t('Secondary Phone') {{ $data->User->mobile }}
@t('Address') @php $address = []; $address[] = nl2br($data->extra->user->address); if (isset($data->extra->user->town)) { $address[] = nl2br($data->extra->user->town); } if (isset($data->extra->user->county)) { $address[] = nl2br($data->extra->user->county); } if (isset($data->extra->user->country)) { $address[] = nl2br($data->extra->user->country); } @endphp {{ implode(', ', $address) }}
@t('Country') @if (isset($data->extra->user->country)) {{ country($data->extra->user->country) }} @endif
@t('Birthday') @date($data->extra->user->birthday)
@include('Plugins/Payment/Views/Elements/Order/guests') @if (isset($data->extra->status))

@t('Other info')

@t('Status') @if (isset($data->extra->status)) {{ $data->extra->status }} @endif
@t('Type') @if (isset($data->extra->type)) {{ $data->extra->type }} @endif
@t('Reference') @if (isset($data->extra->reference)) {{ $data->extra->reference }} @endif
@t('People') @if (isset($data->people)) {{ $data->people }} @endif
@t('Payment Deadline') @if (isset($data->payment_deadline)) @date($data->payment_deadline) @endif
@t('Voucher') @if (isset($data->extra->voucher)) {{ $data->extra->voucher }} @endif
@t('Upgrade') @if (isset($data->extra->upgrade)) {{ $data->extra->upgrade }} @endif
@endif @if (isset($data->extra->user->postcode) && $data->extra->user->postcode)


@if (isset($data->extra->user->town) && $data->extra->user->town) @endif @if (isset($data->extra->user->county) && $data->extra->user->county) @endif @if (isset($data->extra->user->country) && $data->extra->user->country) @endif
@t('Postcode') @if (isset($data->extra->user->postcode)) {{ $data->extra->user->postcode }} @endif
@t('Address') @if (isset($data->extra->user->address)) {{ $data->extra->user->address }} @endif
@t('Town') @if (isset($data->extra->user->town)) {{ $data->extra->user->town }} @endif
@t('County') @if (isset($data->extra->user->county)) {{ $data->extra->user->county }} @endif
@t('Country') @if (isset($data->extra->user->county)) {{ country($data->extra->user->country) }} @endif
@endif @if (isset($data->extra->invoice))

@t('Invoice Details')

@if (isset($data->extra->invoice->postcode) && $data->extra->invoice->postcode) @endif @if (isset($data->extra->invoice->address) && $data->extra->invoice->address) @endif
@t('Company') {{ ( isset($data->extra->invoice->company) && $data->extra->invoice->company ? $data->extra->invoice->company : (isset($data->User->company) && $data->User->company ? $data->User->company : null) ) }}
@t('Name') @if (isset($data->extra->invoice->first_name) && $data->extra->invoice->first_name) {{ $data->extra->invoice->first_name }} @if (isset($data->extra->invoice->last_name) && $data->extra->invoice->last_name) {{ $data->extra->invoice->last_name }} @endif @endif
@t('Email') @if (isset($data->extra->invoice->email) && $data->extra->invoice->email) {{ $data->extra->invoice->email }} @endif
@t('Phone') @if (isset($data->extra->invoice->phone) && $data->extra->invoice->phone) {{ $data->extra->invoice->phone }} @endif
@t('Postcode') {{ nl2br($data->extra->invoice->postcode) }}
@t('Address') {{ nl2br($data->extra->invoice->address) }}