@t('Ryft Custom Account')

@t('Use this if you want to allow venues to use their own account')

{!! Form::label( 'data[Settings][ryft][api]', t('Ryft Url') ) !!} {!! Form::text( 'data[Settings][ryft][api]', ( isset($data->Settings->ryft->api) ? $data->Settings->ryft->api : null ), [ 'placeholder' => 'string starting with https://' ] ) !!}
{!! Form::label( 'data[Settings][ryft][public_key]', t('Ryft Public Key') ) !!} {!! Form::text( 'data[Settings][ryft][public_key]', ( isset($data->Settings->ryft->public_key) ? $data->Settings->ryft->public_key : null ), [ 'placeholder' => 'string starting with pk_' ] ) !!}
{!! Form::label( 'data[Settings][ryft][secret_key]', t('Ryft Secret Key') ) !!} {!! Form::text( 'data[Settings][ryft][secret_key]', ( isset($data->Settings->ryft->secret_key) ? $data->Settings->ryft->secret_key : null ), [ 'placeholder' => 'string starting with sk_' ] ) !!}

To allow Ryft payments to work correctly you need to create a webhook in the customer's account.

  1. Open the ryft dashboard at - https://dash.ryftpay.com/developer with the correct user.
  2. Activate the webhook
  3. In the field "Endpoint URL" enter the following url:
  4. Select at least these events:
    • PaymentSession.captured
    • PaymentSession.refunded
    • PaymentSession.refund_failed
  5. Press Save
  6. Make a test to be sure money go to the account